A&S Learning Design & Technology Knowledge Base

Setting up a Flip Class

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To begin, create an account at https://info.flip.com/.

New lingo: A GRID is the home for a course. TOPICS are the specific prompts to which students reply inside a Grid.

Here are two possible ways to set up your GRID

Create one grid per course (or section of a course). 


Use one grid for all sections of the same course. This allows students to interact with new people from across classes. The flipgrid search function helps you to stay organized with large numbers of students.

Here are two possible ways to arrange TOPICS inside a GRID

Have all students participate in each Topic. In larger classes, this means the Topic will look quite busy (as a discussion board would for a large course). The search function can help you stay organized and find specific students’ contributions.


Break students into smaller groups to maximize participation, and assign each small group a duplicate copy of a Topic. Assign each group to its own Topic by creating your topic, then duplicating it and renaming it for the next group.

Other setup notes

  • Colleagues, TAs, and co-teachers can be “Co-Pilots” on your grids, and copy them to their own classes (without any student responses, or with certain ‘highlighted’ student responses).
  • Embedding a Flipgrid in Collab is not recommended. To share content via Collab, use the  “web link” tool to make a permanent link to your flipgrid page, in your Collab tools menu


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