H5P is a tool for creating and sharing interactive content. If you need to develop content for your course, LDT has a guide for H5P content creation. The guide for turning course materials into H5P content discusses ways of adapting your ideas. H5P has a detailed help page for authoring H5P content.
It's recommended that users create and edit content on the UVA H5P website rather than through Canvas directly. The H5P content editor works best with Google Chrome and chromium-based browsers.
How do I add H5P content to a UVACanvas site?
H5P content can be inserted into Assignments, Discussions, Modules, and other places on UVACanvas sites. The following guide demonstrates the two ways to add H5P content to your course Canvas site, Assignments and the text editor.
If you have pre-made content connected to your H5P account, ensure the content settings allow for use in Canvas before trying to add to your course page. Also ensure any new content to be used on Canvas includes these configurations.
As an assignment
During your first time connecting your H5P account with Canvas, you will need to confirm it with two-factor authentication. Watch out for an email from H5P.com with a verification code to successfully connect the accounts.

In order for H5P content to be graded automatically and inserted into Gradebook, it must be in Assignments as this guide shows below. H5P elsewhere will not be considered for course grades by Canvas.
1. Add an assignment
2. For Submission Type, select "External Tool" and "Find"

3. In the pop-up window, select "H5P - Interactive Content" (not "Select")

4. Create or upload new content with "Add Content" or use existing content with "Insert"
Ensure Students Can Submit Properly
This scoring overview explains how different H5P content types are submitted. Reminding students of how to properly submit assignments can help ensure all results are received.
Check Settings for Grading
Note the available options in "LTI Settings" that affect how H5P grades interact with Canvas Gradebook. These changes can be made before or after content is added to Canvas.

5. After inserting the H5P content, click "Select" to put the item in the assignment.

Don't forget to check rest of Assignment settings!
In Discussions (and other rich text editors)
In order for H5P content to be graded automatically and inserted into Gradebook, it must be in Assignments as this guide shows above. H5P elsewhere will not be considered for course grades by Canvas.
H5P is available in Discussions via the Tools > Apps menu. You will be able to create/insert from your H5P directory as shown in step 4 above.
This option may not be visible until after you have inserted H5P content in Discussions. It can always be accessed in the pop-up window available by clicking "View All."
In Modules
In order for H5P content to be graded automatically and inserted into Gradebook, it must be in Assignments as this guide shows above. H5P elsewhere will not be considered for course grades by Canvas.
1. Create or select a module to add the H5P object
2. Select "External Tool" and paste the H5P content URL in the "URL" field.
3. Configure the rest of the settings and click "Add Item." This creates a link to the H5P content to a separate Canvas page on your course site with just the linked content.
How do I review student submissions on H5P content on UVACanvas?
Though only H5P content in Assignments can be automatically inserted into Canvas Gradebook, instructors can still see which students used the H5P content if there are any submitted interactions included (question sets, text capture, etc.).
On the Canvas page where the relevant H5P content is located, click "Reports to view students' names and scores.

Reports counts attempts and includes the first, last, and best scores for each user.

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