A&S Learning Design & Technology Knowledge Base

Gradescope's new integration (Spring 2021)

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Starting Spring 2021, Gradescope will have an updated integration with UVA Collab. This integration improves the syncing of grades with Collab Gradebook. Instructors will now be able to edit grades in Gradebook that were imported from Gradescope. (This means that for students who did not submit an assignment, instructors can give them a zero directly inside Gradebook.)

The trade-off for this increased editing capability is that each assignment must be linked in the Lessons tool before grades can be synced with the Collab Gradebook.

Note: If you created your course site for Spring 2021 before mid-January, you will still be experiencing the old integration of Gradescope (Gradescope Legacy). If you wish to switch from the old integration to the new integration, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Site Settings.
  2. Select the Manage Tools tab near the top of the page.
  3. Scroll down near the bottom of the page and select Plugin Tools to open that section.
  4. Uncheck the box for Gradescope (Legacy) and check Gradescope.
  5. Select Continue.
  6. On the confirmation page, select Finish.

Linking all assignments with the Lessons tool

In order for the new Gradebook integration to work, all Gradescope assignments will need to be linked via the Lessons tool. This linking can be done either by creating the Gradescope assignment through Lessons, or by subsequently linking an existing assignment. The linking must be done before the instructor attempts to import grades from Gradescope into Gradebook for that assignment.

For more information, see this article on linking assignments in Lessons.

Syncing grades with Gradebook

Once the assignment is linked and graded, the instructor can post grades in Gradescope's "Review Grades" tab by selecting "Post grades to UVACollab" at the bottom of the page.

After grades are posted, instructors are able to edit imported grades directly within UVACollab Gradebook.

For more information, see this article on syncing grades with Gradebook.

Terminology change

In the old integration, options for syncing grades and rosters used the term "Sakai." In the new integration, these options will read "UVACollab."


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