Media Studies students must complete the Media Studies Code and Contract to check out equipment reserved for Media Studies majors.
Students who wish to check out certain advanced equipment must complete an orientation first.
Log into Cheqroom
Go to and enter your official UVA email address in the email address field.
Select Log in with SSO and log in using your NetBadge credentials.
Choose Location
On the left side of the page underneath A&S Learning Design & Technology, click the Location dropdown and select A&S Media Studio Equipment Checkout.
Create a New Reservation
To create a new equipment reservation, select Reservations in the far left menu, and then choose the blue New Reservation button on the far right side of the screen.
Choose the start and end times for your reservation under WHEN & WHERE. "At" should already be filled out as A&S Media Studio Equipment Checkout. If it's not, make sure to select it.
Add Equipment
Click the purple Add items or kits button on the Equipment panel.
You can filter items by Category (1) or availability (2), or use the search bar (3) if you know the name of the item you want to reserve.
To add an item to your reservation, click the checkbox (1) next to the item. Once you've selected all desired items, click the Add items or kits (2) button.
If you forgot to add something, you can click the Add items or kits button to bring up the item selector again.
Fill Out Additional Information
If you are reserving equipment for a course project, enter the course name or number under Extra Info → Course. If this is not for a course project, just enter "extracurricular" or "personal project".
If you have any questions, comments, or files to add to your reservation, you can do so using the comment field under Timeline.
Complete the Reservation
When you have filled out all reservation information, click the purple Reserve button at the top right side of the page. You will receive an email notification with your reservation info.
For more assistance, you can speak to Media Studio consultants during open studio hours, or you can email [email protected].
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