A&S Learning Design & Technology Knowledge Base

How do I adapt my existing materials for H5P?

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This guide is for instructors looking to transform classroom or homework materials into H5P content. If you have not used H5P yet, LDT's introduction offers an overview of the tool. For more about creating content, see the guide on making H5P at UVA. H5P has a detailed help page for authoring H5P content.

It's recommended that users create and edit content on the UVA H5P website rather than Canvas directly. The H5P content editor works best with Google Chrome and chromium-based browsers.

1. Consider H5P's Strengths and Limitations

H5P has several advantages over standard pencil-and-paper exercises, including multimedia integration and automatic grading. To offer these benefits, however, H5P also comes with limitations. Below are some thoughts and tips about what to expect when moving analog materials to H5P.

Strengths Weaknesses

Works with a variety of media

Becomes overcrowded if not well planned
Increases engagement with interactive tasks
Content type restricts how and what students use material
Grading done automatically
Grading flexibility requires extra work

2. Choose the Primary Content Type

When creating any H5P content, the first and most important step is choosing a content type that suits the instructor's goals for interaction.

H5P's array of content types allow you to use interactive content in a variety of educational contexts for both content and assessment purposes. Lectures, drafting essays, pre- and post-laboratory work, exam preparation, and other parts of instructional time can be accomplished with H5P.

When choosing where to start, instructors should decide whether to give students unilateral informational resources or interactive assessments.

Want to only convey information?

All these content types allow the creator to use multiple pieces of media of differing kinds in one activity (lecture, assignment, etc.), except where indicated. This allows lecture videos, charts/graphs, and other instructional materials to feature layers of information for richer student contact time.

Digitize your lectures and add images, charts, links, and other related info with these content types.

Want to add assessments?

Several of the content types already mentioned allow content creators to insert tasks alongside or on top of text, photos, videos, and audio. With these materials, instructors can, for example, give a lecture and check comprehension of the main points, ask students to label diagrams, conduct polls, make space for reflection, and other traditional classroom activities.

Pick the best content frame based on your materials:

Each content type allows for a different combination of types available for use within them. Creators should familiarize themselves with the types that are available (and unavailable) within each when planning H5P activities.

3. Break Assessment into Multiple Tasks

H5P is designed on the idea of modularity. It uses small pieces to accomplish a large goal. For that reason, some student classroom/homework activities need to be deconstructed into single actions or questions to work in an H5P activity.

 H5P allows students to interact with and demonstrate knowledge through the following modes:

  • Click buttons to retrieve additional information (text, images, audio, video, etc)
  • Supply a word, number, or symbol (with or without checking against a pre-defined correct response)
  • Select 1 or multiple correct answer(s) among given options (text, images)
  • Drag words and images into the correct location given the context
  • Record an audio file
  • Virtual tour (360) navigation

4. Pick Types for Assessment Tasks

H5P has content types for assessment that take from traditional pedagogy as well as take advantage of new digital possibilities. Below are some tips for choosing the right content type for your task.

Pick by Task Category

Respond with a unique output: Audio Recorder, Dictation, Essay

Identify patterns, groups, and/or exceptions: Drag and Drop, Mark the Words, Sort the Paragraphs

Respond to a prompt with a pre-defined answer: Drag the Words, Fill in the Blanks, Flashcards, Image Choice, Image Pairing, Multiple Choice, Multipoll, Quiz (Question Set), Single Choice Set, Summary, True/False Question

Pick Something Familiar

H5P offers several classical activity types:

Even if you are turning an analog activity into an H5P activity of the same type, it may still be beneficial to further break down the tasks.

Pick Something Fun

H5P includes some fun and game types:

5. Build Within the Frame Content

The final step is transferring and adapting the content as needed to the frame content.


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