A&S Learning Design & Technology Knowledge Base

Adobe Premiere Pro

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All the computers in the editing lab have Adobe Creative Cloud installed, which includes Adobe Premiere Pro. Premiere is a timeline-based video editing software that allows users to import, edit, and export footage into a viewable video file format.

Guides for Beginners

The following list includes information for users just getting started with Premiere Pro.

Creating an Adobe Account

In order to use any Adobe software in the lab, you must sign into the with an Adobe account.

If you do not already have an Adobe account, you can create one for free by going to https://account.adobe.com and selecting Create an account. See here for more information.

Adjusting Audio to Play in Both Channels

When using two microphones on one camera, each mic occupies either input  1 or input 2.  In your headphones, you will hear one mic in the left ear and the other mic in the right. When importing your footage in Premiere, you can change the default import settings to ensure that each mic plays in both channels.

1. Go to Premiere Pro CCPreferencesTimeline

Premiere Pro CC screenshot of Timeline under Preferences

2. Under Default Audio Tracks, change all the values from Use File to Mono.

Premiere Pro CC screenshot of Default Audio Tracks set to Use File
Premiere Pro CC screenshot of Default Audio Tracks set to Mono

3. Select OK to save your changes.

Only use the Mono audio track setting when you are importing footage where you have 2 different audio inputs on one camera (i.e. reporter’s lav on Channel 1 and guest’s lav on Channel 2). If you are importing footage where you are only using 1 microphone input on both channels, you will need to switch these settings back to Use File prior to importing the footage. Additionally, if you are using a music file, you will also need to make sure the settings are on Use File before importing the music into Premiere.

For more assistance, you can speak to Media Studio consultants during regular studio hours, or you can email Jessica  Weaver-Kenney ([email protected]).


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